Friday, October 19, 2012

The Root Of All Evil...

Pocket Frogs
Sometimes a smart phone is such a dumb thing to have... especially for people of an addictive nature... like myself...

My latest addiction is a "game" (for lack of a better term) called "Pocket Frogs". I'm not sure you can call it a game since it really requires no skills other than touching lily pads and making your horny little frogs breed (then, if you wish, sell the frogs or their offspring). But, technically, it's classified as a game and something that gaming skill inept people like me can manage to get somewhere with. That, in itself, makes this an amazing app for your phone.

However, there is a downside... Actually, there are a few downsides. One downside is that the little frogs are  so damned cute and, except for the very simple ones, have the coolest colors and markings. That doesn't sound like a downside, but it is. You're only able to keep eight frogs in each habitat and you start out with only two (if you count the nursery for the little frog eggs). Granted, you earn coins as you play and those can be used to buy more habitats (at an increasingly hefty rate) but they still only hold eight frogs each... and it's tough choosing which to keep! This game has me so absorbed that I play it a good portion of the time. Damn these adorable, colorful frogs and their bizarre hold over me! They are truly the root of all evil...

Was that entertaining...? I'm hoping someone out there is nodding... because, after all, isn't that the purpose of having an internet blog? It's not just a place for you to pour out whatever is on your mind. If that was all a person wanted to do, there are journals (actual books) and journal software for that.

I think people make blogs to not only jot down what's on their minds but to also entertain others with such thoughts. Some may blog about their personal lives, some about art, some about intellectually stimulating things... Then there are people like me who blog about nothing in particular, just a random assortment of thoughts, sometimes a mix of all the things other people blog about. But that's just me... I like to mix things up a bit on a regular basis...

Hopefully everyone will find something they can enjoy on here...

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