Thursday, October 25, 2012

Morlocks vs. Eloi

The cannibalistic Morlocks
The naive Eloi

First off... how messed up is the spell check feature...?! It questions the spelling of Morlocks, but not the spelling of Eloi in the post title...! That's... kind of messed up...

But, then again, so is the title itself... It sounds a bit like a new version of a Street Fighter game...

For those unfamiliar with H.G Wells The Time Machine or the movie based upon the book (the original from 1960 with Rod Taylor, not the goofy new one), allow me to illuminate you...

The story is the tale of a man, a scientist of sorts,  named George who has a fixation with time and the idea of time travel. The tale starts in the last day of 1899 and the first few days of the new century. George shows off his prototype time machine to a group of his friends, most of whom are quite arrogant (Sebastian Cabot plays one of them, so that should give you an idea)  and even though the prototype works and actually time travels, his friends (with the exception of his best friend, Filby) aren't impressed and think George is a bit off his rocker. That sets the poor guy off a bit and he decides to test the actual real deal that he has built in his laboratory. He sits in the time machine and pushes the lever forward, slowly...
By far, this sequence is the best in the movie. Granted, the graphics were awful (it was 1960, what do you expect?) but it was the idea of how he travels. As George is moving forward in time, he's able to see things moving around him, so he literally gets to see time fly. He travels through WWI, WWII and a nuclear war... The latter war causes eruptions, lava flowing up over the time machine... Thankfully, George is traveling so fast that he doesn't get burned but, rather, gets trapped inside the mountain the cooled lava produced until it eroded away. It's really a cool segment of the movie.
George finally stops the time machine, a bit too quickly for it spins and throws him off, on October 12th in the year 802,701... I think H.G. Wells was a bit optimistic, assuming that, after a nuclear holocaust, there would still be people that survived and were able to continue to reproduce for so many years without adverse effects...
In any case...
At this point, humans have developed into two different groups, the Morlocks (those attractive blue dudes in the picture above) and the Eloi (the stereotypical perfect blonde haired, blue eyed people in the other picture) who are as different as night and day. And it's this difference that has produced some profound, yet ridiculously random, thoughts...

I wanna be a Morlock...

I'm not saying I want to be some ugly blue dude with bad teeth and saggy, baggy man boobs (they all appear to be male in the movie) that are constantly having a really bad hair day... But if my only choice was to be one or the other, I'd much rather be a Morlock...
And I'll explain why...
The Eloi are rather indifferent about everything. If one is in danger of losing their lives (like the only named Eloi in the story, Weena, played by Yvette Mimieux, who was drowning when George first arrives) the other Eloi just turn the other cheek and choose to ignore what's going on. They're very naive and totally clueless as to... well... anything. They have no real clue as to what happened in the world years ago, save what these talking rings tell them, and comprehend nothing.
They also allow themselves to be eaten by the Morlocks...
The Morlocks, obviously, are cannibals. Every so often, they set off a siren (more specifically, the kind that warns of a nuclear air strike) and the Eloi, conditioned to move underground when they hear the siren, walk as if in a trance to the entrance to the Morlocks' underground habitat and go inside. When the Morlocks have enough Eloi, they close the doors and those who went inside never come back out.

The Eloi are dumb as posts... They do nothing all day but lay around in the sun. They have no clue where they get their food and clothing from, nor do they care. It shows up when they need it and that's all that matters to them. They're very naive and moronic.
But the Morlocks... they're smart, chubby cookies... They're the ones providing everything the Eloi need to live, keeping them ignorant and happy. It's a lot like us breeding animals for consumption. And once they're nicely fattened up, the Morlocks turn on the siren and call the Eloi to them to become Eloi-kabobs...
No offense, if it comes down to choosing to eat or be eaten... I'm gonna eat...

I wonder if Eloi are a low-cholesterol food...


  1. "I wonder if Eloi are a low-cholesterol food..."

    Probably. Fair skin, blond hair . . . they're white meat!

    (Interestingly, in the 2002 remake the Eloi were all dark-skinned.)

    1. Which would lead you to believe that the Eloi in the remake would be fatty and high in cholesterol, haha!

      It also makes you wonder about the Morlocks in the original... Why were they blue? Were they evolved Smurfs?
